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I Feared UNTIL...!!l

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  • I Feared UNTIL...!!l

    I Feared UNTIL...!!!

    I feared being alone

    Until I learned to like Myself.

    I feared failure
    Until I realized that I only Fail when I don't try.

    I feared success
    Until I realized that I had to try in order to be happy with myself.

    I feared the truth
    Until I saw the ugliness in lies.

    I feared life
    Until I experienced its beauty .

    I feared death
    Until I realized that it's not an end, but a beginning.

    I feared people's opinions
    Until I learned that people would have opinions about me anyway.

    I feared rejection
    Until I learned to have faith in myself.

    I feared pain
    Until I learned that it's necessary for growth

    I feared my destiny,
    Until I realized that I had the power to change my life.

    I feared hate
    Until I saw that it was nothing more than ignorance.

    I feared love
    Until it touched my heart, making the darkness fade into endless sunny days.

    I feared ridicule
    Until I learned how to laugh at myself.

    I feared growing old
    Until I realized that I gained wisdom every day.

    I feared the future
    Until I realized that Life just kept getting better.

    I feared the past
    Until I realized that It could no longer hurt me.

    I feared the dark
    Until I saw the beauty of the starlight.

    I feared the light
    Until I learned that the Truth would give me Strength.

    I feared change,
    Until I saw that even the most beautiful butterfly had to undergo a Metamorphosis before it could fly.
    گر خسته ای بمان و اگر خواستی بدان: ما را تمام لذت هستی به جستجوست ...
    اگر مطالب این سایت برایتان مفید بود، لطفا با مشارکت و به اشتراک گذاشتن تجربیات ارزشمند خود، آن را برای خود و دیگران پربارتر کنید!

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