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Thy Love

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  • Thy Love

    Thy love, at my glacial heart, has started a fire;
    Burning my whole "me" whilst melting the frost,
    Made all the world, and ME above, be lost
    In its new, mightily-conquered empire.

    The lord by whom all my talent's hired,
    And all my thoughts, for, I feel no ability,
    Versus Plato's will, to oppose its authority;
    So, let my soul, happily, by it be inspired.

    Yet, thou dear me!, are not to be beheld;
    For, folk just see the bright flames in dance,
    At whose fever, all burn and fade, no chance,
    Even for the poor match who first made it flared.

    But no matter, what THEY say, view and hear;
    To me, thy love and thou are yet so dear.

    by: Angel

    I believed my wisdom
    ... Killed the whys as I grew ... Yet the time has taught me ... The whys are grown too

    Click to Read My Other Poems

  • #2
    ... True love is like that and this

    عشق آن شعله ست کاو چون بر فروخت *** هر چه جز معشوق باقی، جمله سوخت

    Thank you for your nice poem.l

    گر خسته ای بمان و اگر خواستی بدان: ما را تمام لذت هستی به جستجوست ...
    اگر مطالب این سایت برایتان مفید بود، لطفا با مشارکت و به اشتراک گذاشتن تجربیات ارزشمند خود، آن را برای خود و دیگران پربارتر کنید!

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