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My Heart

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  • My Heart

    My heart is a sky
    Once love rose up in it from the east
    And I could see what the Morning is
    Then I decided to put the love out
    So made it to set.
    The dark was blinding.

    I started to grow hope in my heart
    And the moon rose up
    Now, it's still shining at night
    But I know from where it has its light
    I'm looking forward to seeing the morning

    Shall I ever see it again?!

    by: Angel
    ویرایش توسط Angel : https://forum.motarjemonline.com/member/63-angel در ساعت 09-30-2011, 10:35 PM

    I believed my wisdom
    ... Killed the whys as I grew ... Yet the time has taught me ... The whys are grown too

    Click to Read My Other Poems
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