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  • Dad

    The calm of a quiet sea,
    The generous soul of nature,
    The comforting arm of night,
    The wisdom of the ages,
    The power of the eagle's flight,
    The joy of a morning in spring,
    The faith of a mustard seed,
    The patience of eternity,
    The depth of a family need,
    Then God combined these qualities,
    When there was nothing more to add,
    He knew His masterpiece was complete,
    And so, He called it ... Dad
    dad a son's first hero and a daughter's first love
    کاغذ سفید را هر چقدر هم زیبا و تمیز باشد کسی قاب نمیگیرد...برای ماندگاری در ذهن ها باید حرفی برای گفتن داشت!!!
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