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I Wait for You

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  • I Wait for You

    I wait for you

    I know you won`t come back

    Every thing that was time has left is behind

    I know you won`t return

    What happend between us

    Even when a thousand years pass

    Will never be repeated

    It won`t be enough to fade you a way and to forget

    And now I`m here

    Trying to turn valleys into cities

    Mixing the sky with the sea

    I know I let you escape

    I know I lost you

    Nothing can be the same

    A millennium could be enough for you to forgive

    I`m here / loving you

    Suffocating in photographs and scrapbooks

    In objects and momentos

    Can`t comprehend

    I driving myself mad

    Changing a foot for my own face

    The letters I wrote Inever sent

    It`s all the matter of time and faith

    A millennium with another thousand years are enough to love...

    If you still think some thing of me ...you know I`m still waiting for you
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