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Daily Reading Comprehension (sample readings for teachers)l

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  • #46
    Day 46

    To the Teachers:

    Author’s Purpose

    Students identify the author’s reason for writing about a subject.
    Students practice using clues from a passage to predict what will happen next.

    Introduce the Author’s Purpose skill to students. Say: Authors write for a variety of reasons, including to entertain us with a story, to inform us about a topic, to teach us how to do something, and to persuade us to take action or think a certain way. By understanding the author’s purpose, we can better understand the main ideas that the author is trying to convey. Tell students they are going to read a passage about arts programs in schools. Then remind students of the Ask Questions strategy (Week 6). Say: As you read, ask yourself questions about what you have read, especially if there is anything you don’t understand. Then have students read the instructions at the top of the page and the passage. When students have finished, direct them to complete the skill and strategy practice activities. Review the answers together.


    Don’t Cut the Arts

    Has the number of art classes at your school been reduced? Did your school cancel next year’s play? Have band classes been eliminated? When school budgets are under pressure, the arts always seem to be the first programs that are cut. Classes in painting, drama, dance, and music—as well as after-school arts activities—are often the first to go.

    Some people believe that arts funding should be cut. They claim that school performance is measured by standardized test scores, not by a successful arts program. So why shouldn’t schools cut arts programs when money is tight?

    According to the National Governors’ Association (NGA), there are many reasons to preserve the arts in schools. Students exposed to the arts have higher academic achievement and are better at planning and working toward goals. Students who study the arts are:

    • four times more likely to get academic awards or win a writing award;
    • four times more likely to take part in a math or science fair; and
    • more likely to score higher in creative thinking, fluency, and originality.

    In their report “The Impact of Arts Education on Workforce Preparation,” the governors also observe that schools with strong arts programs have:

    • significantly fewer discipline problems;
    • less absenteeism; and
    • lower dropout rates.

    Should we cut the arts in times of economic difficulty? This author says “No!”


    SKILL PRACTICE: Read each question. Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer.

    1. The author’s main purpose for the passage is to ... .
    inform readers about the NGA
    describe the arts classes offered in schools
    persuade readers that the arts should not be cut
    explain how to participate in the arts

    2. The author probably uses bulleted lists to ... .
    copy the format of the NGA report
    show opposing viewpoints
    make information easier to read
    provide sources for statistics

    3. Which one provides the strongest support for the author’s argument?
    the questions at the beginning of the passage
    the statistics from the NGA
    the mention of standardized tests
    firmly stating “No!”

    4. Why does the author include other people’s opinions in paragraph 2?
    because she thinks the arts should be cut
    because she is unsure how she feels about arts programs
    to explain why standardized tests matter
    to argue against an opposing viewpoint.

    STRATEGY PRACTICE:Write one question you had while reading the passage. If you found the answer,
    write it, too.


    1.C 2.C 3.B 4.D

    Questions will vary.

    I believed my wisdom
    ... Killed the whys as I grew ... Yet the time has taught me ... The whys are grown too

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