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  • كاريكلماتور


    I learned venture from the sparrow's play with the electricity wire

    جسارت را از شوخي گنجشك با سيم برق آموختم.
    My heart's lamp went off by the changeable frequency of your love

    لامپ دلم از نوسان عشقت سوخت.

    The bottom of the pot of my fortune is black

    ته ديگ بختم سياه است.

    His hands were implicated by the blood of three pomegranates

    دستش به خون سه انار آلوده شد.
    On the highway of his ear, there was a traffic sign for advice that read: DON'T ENTER

    در جاده گو شش نوشته شده بود: "ورود نصيحت ممنوع".
    Love was excelled from the land of heart

    مهر از سرزمين دلها تبعيد شد...

    Becouse he didn't have any soap, he couldn't wipe his hands off the sin

    چون صابون نداشت نتوانست دست از گناه بشويد.

    On a stormy morning, his mind was thrown away to the corner of the street

    در يك صبح طوفاني حواسش به كنار خيابان پرت شد.

    The level of his thinking was so low that he stood on a stool to solve the problems

    سطح فكرش چنان كوتاه بود كه براي حل مشكلات روي چهارپايه مي ايستاد.

    His sleep was so heavy that the bed was broken

    آنقدر خوابش سنگين بود كه تخت شكست...

    My wallet was crying for lack of money

    كيف پولم از بي پولي گريه ميكرد.

    He had put up his photo on the wall in order to not to forget himself

    عكس خود را به ديوار آويزان كرده بود تا خود را فراموش نكند.

    ویرایش توسط ahmadpanah : https://forum.motarjemonline.com/member/9-ahmadpanah در ساعت 09-17-2008, 10:03 AM
    زندگی برگ بودن در مسیر باد نیست،امتحان ریشه هاست.
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