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  • Rhyme


    rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds in two or more words and is most often used in

    poetry and songs. The word "rhyme" may also refer to a short poem, such as a rhyming

    couplet or other brief rhyming poem such as nursery rhymes

    Types of rhyme

    The word rhyme can be used in a specific and a general sense. In the specific sense, two words rhyme if their final stressed vowel and all following sounds are identical; two lines of poetry rhyme if their final strong positions are filled with rhyming words. A rhyme in the strict sense is also called a perfect rhyme. Examples are sight and flight, deign and gain, madness and sadness

    Mirror rhymes

    The same word can, in fact, rhyme because it has the exact same sound so it technically has to rhyme. For example, "Jacob" rhymes with "Jacob

    Perfect rhymes

    Perfect rhymes can be classified according to the number of syllables included in the rhyme, which is dictated by the location of the final stressed syllable.
    • masculine: a rhyme in which the stress is on the final syllable of the words (rhyme, sublime)
    • feminine: a rhyme in which the stress is on the penultimate (second from last) syllable of the words (picky, tricky)
    • dactylic: a rhyme in which the stress is on the antepenultimate (third from last) syllable (cacophonies, Aristophanes)

    General rhymes

    In the general sense, general rhyme can refer to various kinds of phonetic similarity between words, and to the use of such similar-sounding words in organizing verse. Rhymes in this general sense are classified according to the degree and manner of the phonetic similarity:

    • syllabic: a rhyme in which the last syllable of each word sounds the same but does not necessarily contain vowels. (cleaver, silver, or pitter, patter)
    • imperfect: a rhyme between a stressed and an unstressed syllable. (wing, caring)
    • semirhyme: a rhyme with an extra syllable on one word. (bend, ending)
    • oblique (or slant/forced): a rhyme with an imperfect match in sound. (green, fiend; one, thumb)
    • assonance: matching vowels. (shake, hate) Assonance is sometimes used to refer to slant rhymes.
    • consonance: matching consonants. (rabies, robbers)
    • half rhyme (or sprung rhyme): matching final consonants. (bent, ant)
    • alliteration (or head rhyme): matching initial consonants. (short, ship)

    A rhyme is not classified as a rhyme if one of the words being rhymed is the entirety of the other word (for example, Ball and all).

    As stated above, in a perfect rhyme the last stressed vowel and all following sounds are identical in both words. If the sound preceding the stressed vowel is also identical, the rhyme is sometimes considered to be inferior and not a perfect rhyme after all. An example of such a "super-rhyme" or "more than perfect rhyme" is the "identical rhyme", in which not only the vowels but also the onsets of the rhyming syllables are identical, as in gun and begun. Punning rhymes such are "bare" and "bear" are also identical rhymes. The rhyme may of course extend even farther back than the last stressed vowel. If it extends all the way to the beginning of the line, so that there are two lines that sound identical, then it is called a "holorhyme"

    Eye rhyme

    Though not strictly rhymes, eye rhymes or sight rhymes refer to similarity in spelling but not in sound, as with cough, bough, or love, move. These are not rhymes in the strict sense, but often were in earlier language periods.


    ویرایش توسط Obscure : https://forum.motarjemonline.com/member/3677-obscure در ساعت 11-27-2011, 09:27 PM
    You are my heart
    my soul,
    my treasure,
    My today,
    my tomorrow,
    my forever,
    My everything!

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